News & Events

This weeks Bulletin can be downloaded here:

THIS WEEK 4-28-2024

CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS – Sunday, April 28, 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.(This is the last class.)

S.W.A.G. (Saved With Amazing Grace) YOUTH GROUP – Sunday April 28, 5:00-7:00 PM For grades 6-12.

PRAISE TEAM PRACTICE – Monday, April 29, 6:30 PM

MEN’S SINGING GROUP PRACTICE – Monday, April 29, 7:30 PM


PAT SHONTZ’S LIFE GROUP – Thursday, May 2, 1:30-3:30 PM. Please see Pat if you have any questions.

WANTED – VOLUNTEERS FOR SPRING CLEANING THE CHURCH – Saturday, May 4, 8:00 AM or when you can come. We will be cleaning the areas that are not usually cleaned in the monthly cleaning schedule. There is something for everyone’s ability to help with this project. See Pat Shontz if you have questions.

NEXT WEEK 5-05-2024

MOTHER’S DAY BANQUET – Sunday, May 5, 1:00-3:00 PM in the Fellowship Center. All Ladies/Girls are welcome! The Youth Group is preparing the meal. There are sign-up sheets at each entrance. When you sign your name, please indicate the number coming with you.

NO S.W.A.G. YOUTH GROUP – May 5, 2024. (Mother’s Day Banquet)

LIFE GROUPS – Sunday, May 5:

  • 5:00-7:00 PM at the homes of: Scott and Ashley Bratton, Todd and Chris Matthews, John and Ellen Hartsock, Nick and Mary Young. Please see your group leader if you have any questions.
  • 6:00 PM at the churchJim Steele’s Life Group

PRAISE TEAM PRACTICE – Monday, May 6, 6:30 PM



GIGS BIBLE STUDY – Thursday, May 9, 6:30 PM. In the church Fellowship Hall


BEVERAGES – The only beverage permitted in the sanctuary is water if necessary. Thank you for taking care of His sanctuary.

SECURITY – For protection of the congregation, all the exterior doors, except the double doors at the rear of the sanctuary, will be locked at 10:00 AM.


ATTENTION LADIES! – The 2024 “Have Faith” tour, an Extraordinary Women’s Conference, is at the Giant Center in Hershey September 27 and 28. We are organizing a trip for any woman who would like to attend. There will be a short meeting on April 7 in the Fellowship Hall right after church. Come and get information and bring your questions.

MAY VOLUNTEERS TO CLEAN THE CHURCH – Pat Shontz, Gregg and Ruby Koontz

BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY CALENDAR – The May calendar is now available at
each entrance to the sanctuary.

UPDATED CHURCH DIRECTORY – The Spring/Summer 2024 directory is now
available at each entrance to the sanctuary. If we run out of copies, there will be
more available each week.

WE HAVE SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES FOR ALL AGES – If you, or your children, are not currently attending Sunday School and would like to do so, there is information at each entrance to the sanctuary with the teachers’ names and room numbers.

SATURATE U.S.A. – We still need volunteers to distribute outreach packets in neighborhoods. The outreach packets are in Aldi bags at the outreach table.

CENTRE UNION CHURCH’S OUTREACH PRAYER MINISTRY – Call or text “PRAY” to 1-833-PRAY-365 (1-833-772-9365) and someone will call you and pray with you.

OUTREACH TABLE – There is a wide variety of of Christian outreach information to share with someone or to enrich yourself.

CENTRE UNION LIBRARY – Books and DVDs of a variety of interests are available to check out from the shelf in the hall. These resources may encourage you in your walk with the Lord! Read the check-out binder for instructions.

HELPING HANDS MEAL MINISTRY Needs Volunteers – This ministry provides meals for those in our church who have returned home from being hospitalized. If you would like to provide a meal for someone (home cooked or take out), sign up on the sign-up sheet at the entrances to the sanctuary. If you know someone in our church who has returned from the hospital, see Lisa Baitsell, or call her at 717-242-1410.

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO CONTINUE THE CHILDREN’S CHURCH MINISTRY – We need both teachers and helpers. Please prayerfully consider helping Centre Union Church in obedience by following God’s promise in Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Please see Casey Alexander or Rhonda Swisher if you are interested in teaching or helping.

BIBLE VERSES FOR NEXT WEEK – Have you ever wondered how you can be prepared for the Sunday’s message? – Next Sunday’s scripture readings will be here. Take time to read it, study it, and see what it means to you.